
Showing posts from July, 2021

Barbara Webb 1930-2021

  Barbara Webb ~ 1930 to 2021 memorial As far as I know, Barbara Webb was born in 1930 and came to live in the family home in Brockenhurst Avenue in 1933 (from a house in Wimbledon). She passed away in the White House nursing home, Malden Road on 10 May 2021. She lived in Winchester and then Birmingham and came back to live at the family home permanently in 1960, working at Nonsuch High School as a biology teacher. She was already a member of the Surrey Wildlife Trust and later joined the Ramblers in 1977. I met her in the 1980ā€™s as we crossed paths on many wildlife related matters. Her earliest memories were of the Hogsmill and fields below the church. She spent a considerable amount of time on issues connected to the river including: Six-acre meadow, of course; the stables; and related management and mowing regimes. One of these sites - I remember well was Percy Gardens. During the war her family h...

Letter to the GLA team members for the Environment and Regeneration

The  letter below was despatched 18.6.21. We are  hoping that making this public might facilitate a response For the attention of: Stephanie Griffiths (Regen) Iqbal Ahmed (Environment) Sian Berry Zac Goldsmith Cambridge Road Estate (CRE) regeneration Cambridge Road, Kingston upon Thames 20/02942/FUL We are writing to express concern at matters disregarded at the above redevelopment (GLAā€™s response Planning File). We were pleased to see the GLA questioning the lack of SuDs proposed in the FRA. (Flood Risk Assessment). However, we are disappointed that the London Mayorā€™s own policies on Areas of Deficiency of Access to Open Space and Access to Nature have been ignored. The Mayor has committed to reducing the distance that people live from quality green space/Sites of Nature Conservation Importance - deemed as Areas of Deficiency- yet much of north Kingston is within an AoD (more than 1km from quality open space) refer to map appended. The Barton Wilmore Environ...