Twitten Ditty
There are 2 km of Public Rights of Way (PROW's) on the Cambridge road estate. These were entered on the Definitive Map last year, after correspondence between myself, the borough Highways department and the Secretary of State. My application to have them recognised - with help from Sunflower Streets residents assoc. - was perhaps a pyrrhic victory, as the planning application to approve the regeneration of the estate will remove them through STOP orders. But they won't be forgotten and those wishing for further discussion including information on Radburn Lines , can obtain 'A Little Book About Paths', available for purchase on Ebay. One positive outcome has been the post of a Rights of Way Officer for Kingston and Sutton with the two boroughs contributing Ā£25,000 each. This means the 'Rights of Way Improvement Plan,' 2009 might at last recieve attention. This is timely as there are many examples of PROW's no longer usable such as the dog -leg bet...