Pump House, Seething Wells change of use application 23/01636/FUL REFUSED
Despite 81 objections, including those from CPRE and the Kingston Society, the officer's report recommended approval of the Pump House planning application to be presented at the Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee. However, councillors did not agree and unanimously 'refused to approve' the application on four grounds paraphrased below and available on the councils YouTube channel Surbiton Neighbourhood 25.4.24 . The change of use to office and car parking was not seen as compatible with Metropolitan Open Land (MoL). Cllr. Hayes said that office use was not normally considered appropriate on Mol. Fragmentation of the Pump House from the rest of the site severing the link with the rest of the site, which would prejudice future use as a nature conservation site. Core strategy: Surbiton neighbourhood policy S1 and the Surbiton vision to make safe the site for the public (riverside walk) and nature conservation. Conservation area appraisal pertaining to the sites special industri...