
Showing posts from July, 2023

Old allotments, Woodfield Gardens New Malden 23/01158/Ful (anonymous contributor)

 Its important to document the rapidly occurring loss of open land to development in the borough, particularly where that loss seems contrary to policy. This is a contribution from an objector to the development proposals, whose comments we wouldn't otherwise see, as comments are no longer publicly accessible.  The comments may help with objections to similar applications, where land has been cleared prior to survey; as you read, it becomes clear how alienated we are when it comes to discussing nature . The contributor to the blog is happy for the following to be copied: I object strongly to this application for the following reasons - A) Ecology and BNG (and possibly UGF) assessments are all in error due to the site being cleared for the development. It is impossible to say what was here beforehand as the site was cleared in advance - some time between August 2022 and February 2023 - almost certainly for the development. It looks as if the Preliminary Ecology Assessme...

Project Genesis Chessington World of Adventures 23/01659/FUL (to be continued)

  If you want to comment on this destructive development, you probably can't because the consultation has ended. I wonder who was on the list of consultees; certainly not those who showed an interest in the Amazon land application (or we would have been notified). Plans include: Development of a waterpark including demolition works, alterations, extensions and change of use to part of the existing Hotel building, construction of associated structures, landscaping, drainage, access and other incidental works, including provision of a new access road, SuDS pond and altered plant enclosure to serve the approved lodges scheme (Ref: 18/10413/FUL). With mega numbers of trees to be felled in this app. there will be a lot more back of house views like these...... The habitat loss will be offset to a compensation area of woodland in the south with a woodland management plan (cut and paste from last time).

Seething Wells The Pump House: application 23/01636

The Planning Application: The conversion and change of use of the former Pump House building and associated land to Class E(g)(i) office use; and ancillary works including landscaping   The Pump House:  links This the largest structure at Seething Wells, and is designated a Building of Townscape Merit. An application for statutory listed failed during 2001.   It has a pyramidal slate roof, used by roosting bats from time to time. There is no roof void and the slates are backed by wooden planks and plasterboard. Internally, there was one main room, partitioned into 6 small rooms and a larger operational area, now stripped out.    There is a deep shaft containing two wells below the building and four wells between the building and the Portsmouth Road. In the literature they are known asā€™ deep wellsā€™ and sometimes ā€˜deep chambersā€™ of which there are 24 on site.    The Ecology report states that the building 'has no hibernation...