
Showing posts from December, 2022

Three minutes to save 114 trees: includes guest blog from Russell Miller (and if you have longer than 3 minutes)

What would you say if you only had 3 minutes to save 114 mature trees? The text below is a good start which Russell Miller relayed to the planning committee last week. Whilst councillors weren't listening, the evidenced based commentary will still be here when the natural environment and our children's future is firmly cemented under concrete. He attests: - 'However you spin it the fact is this development is bad for climate change, bad for wildlife, bad for air quality and increases car dependency. It fails local strategic planning policy objectives on Climate Change, Biodiversity, Air Quality, Walking and Cycling, Trees, as well as the GLA London Plan and Environment Strategy. 1. St Annā€™s has a remarkable collection of trees, in an area of currently low (18.7%) canopy cover. This proposalā€™s will result in ā€˜the loss of 114 trees, 30 tree groups and 260.5m hedgerowā€™ ā€“representing nearly a hectar...