
Showing posts from October, 2022

Consultation on the reduction of pavement herbicide treatment

  The current 'weed survey' at seeks your views on the reduction of herbicide spraying from two to one annually. Anyone with a love of plants, birds and insects will be enjoying the greening of the urban environment. There are many obvious benefits such as the plant above, which is Jersey Cudweed Gnaphalium luteoalbum. This is a protected species on Schedule 8 of the Wildlife and Countryside act, a critically endangered plant but becoming more and more common in the London boroughs. Often appearing on development sites, as here on the Cambridge Road Estate (CRE).  Another advantage of the suffusion in pavement plants is the amount of seed produced  for birds such as house sparrows. Large stands of persicaria's and knotgrasses particularly are great for birds. Lining the route from my house to Norbiton station, a water bent grass, recognisable due to its many 'elbows'. Declining farmland species are also thriving in strange places, including ...