
Showing posts from September, 2021

Mapping fungi South London

  Maps courtesy of GiGl The maps supplied by GiGL indicate that mycorrhizal fungi are not commonly recorded in our borough. Mycorrhizae have a symbiotic relationship with trees. Ectomycorrhiza live outside tree roots and produce fruit that we can see. Endomycorrhiza live inside the root and can be seen under a microscope. Saprophytes recycle dead matter and are not necessarily mutually beneficial. Most tree roots are located in the top 1m of soil where food, water and air are received. The amount of soil the tree roots penetrate, are extended by the action of fungi. They make soluble the minerals that would otherwise be locked away such as phosphorus. Fungi charge their host a ā€˜feeā€™, 10-30% of its sugar production as they cannot photosynthesise. They have an ability to cover the roots with a physical/chemical barrier that can prevent colonisation by parasites such as honey fungus.    Table  Mycorrhizal fungi at Kingston university Kingston Hill ...

Biodiversity, species and wildlife

  Biodiversity is the web of life. Let's consider that again Biodiversity is the web of life Some people dislike the term biodiversity; newsreaders, councillors and planners find it's multi-syllables a little surprising to pronounce. A complex word for a concept imbued with complexity, it does require some effort to understand. Biodiversity is found in ancient managed habitats: grasslands such as Kingston Cemetery Fungi , r are fungi, even rarer fungi heaths, chalk downs, Seething Wells woods, and brownfield sites. The older the habitat the more diverse will be the biodiversity. The greater the area the more complex the biodiversity. The less polluted the richer the biodiversity. Biodiversity is the sum total of insects, fungi, plants, found in a habitat, or mosaic of habitats. There are various ways of classifying habitats such as the  JNCC Phase 1 habitat survey. Using these and other methods we can quantify the potential for a  biodiverse invertebrate communiti...

Seething Wells: pushing back-see below for new planning application

  As we look through the listed-rusted, blue - green railings to the blue - green algae growing in the chalk-soil-filled, half pumped out beds - after years of well-documented malfeasant action - the authorities are at last taking responsibility. Last week we met with officers from the Environment Agency to discuss how we can best work together after years of getting our wires-crossed about: Dead fish that are not in a recognised fishery;  Permits to spray a weed that has never exisited on the site;  Fly-tipping vegetation that doesn't grow on site such as bamboo and laurel; and  When pumping water into the Thames is technically an abstraction. The EA explained the limitations of their responsibilities but they  will NOT sanction any further spraying with herbicides or permit any pumping of water (abstraction) into the Thames.    It was agreed that the general public should report  on their hotline 0800 80 70 60 activities ...