Harlow Gardens - formerly Dairy Crest- and the Bat Low Impact Class Licence

In 2014, I was contacted by the police after residents complained that, despite a lot of bat activity at the former Dairy Crest site, demolition was taking place. The police investigated and surveys had indeed found that there were roosting bats on the site. There is some discrepancy regarding the number of bats and the species recorded but this cannot be substantiated several years later. I do have the original Phase 1 habitat survey that demonstrated there was habitat, of a sort, on the site. Bat surveys and a Bat Mitigation Method Statement- as part of a Bat licence application -were submitted to the planning file. However, no appropriate bat mitigation and Net Gain measures for biodiversity were conditioned. This meant that none of it actually happened or if it did - then it is inappropriately sited - under multiple sources of lighting and a lack of any vegetation links. When the site was opened earlier this year for residents to move in, none of the bat mi...