The review of Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) 2020

The SINC review has at last been released for public consumption and the results do not make for enjoyable reading. Four large sites are 'at risk' of de-listing and all bar one are council owned. The site that is privately owned - Seething Wells - has been defended from development by the council at no less than three public inquiries - on account of it being Metropolitan Open Land - but the council have not defended its descent into a poisonous desert.The Review states that there are 'anecdotal records of Himalayan balsam at the site'. This appears to be hearsay as it is not on the list of plants held by the London Biological Records Centre (GIGL). Unfotunately it is the reason that the Environment Agency issued a permit to spray glyphosate at the site without any evidence of it existing. The Review also fails to mention Crassula helmsi - a notifiable weed- at the ponds at Alexandra Milenium Green and Jubilee meadows. So there are important species that...