
Showing posts from December, 2020

Cambridge Road Estate Planning Application 20/02942/FUL

  Summary Ā·         The proposed scheme will leave a biodiversity crater in Norbiton and is a massive fail on sustainability issues. The Environmental Statement is flawed and the mitigation unrealistic. There is no biodiversity gain from this application and there will be a huge impact from pollutants arising from tree loss on air quality, and increased amounts of sewage entering the Hogsmill. The council have a huge conflict of interest here and by the allowing this will fail in their biodiversity duty and their declaration of a Climate Emergency. Ā·         The scheme is not future proofed and is therefore unsustainable; it has not understood that our current demands on the environment have led to the global pandemic and it has not undertaken a health impact assessment, which should be undertaken as a matter of urgency. Ā·         With a predicted 6881 people in an are...