Surrey County Hall Penrhyn Road 20/02462

Presentation of the plans for Surrey County Hall by RER at the October meeting of the Kingston Society Tiffins School Surrey County Council (SCC) proposes the repurposing of Surrey County Hall and associated buildings to create a mix of refurbishment and potential partial demolition to include a mixed-use development, including approximately 500 new residential units, additional space for new courts for the Crown Court, office space, shops or financial/professional services and car park.They have submitted an EIA scoping document which omits all of the ecological features at the site. see The Grade 1 Listed buildings will be retained and a new double mansard roof will be put on a flat roof to create symmetry (or profit). Within this application the prison cells will be retained and the courts retained as lecture theatres or film sets. There will be a hub with rentable space with a cafe area and the Trampery model (see Hackney) was expounded. The cobbles a...