Cambridge Road Estate: last consultation before planning submission

Cambridge Road Estate is going through the final consultation stage before a planning application in the Autumn. As it is 7.71 ha it a large-scale application, which will affect the whole borough. The countless blocks will be up to 13 storeys. Yet it is in an Area of Deficiency as defined by the Mayor, who has actually pledged not to increase the numbers of people living in an AoD (more than 1km from open space) demonstrated by the area coloured purple on the map above. Biodiversity The London Plan includes an important policy (7.19) Biodiversity and Access to Nature, which links to policies and proposals on approaches to strategic planning in the Mayorās Biodiversity Strategy. Policy 7.19 contains the following statement; The Mayorās Biodiversity Strategy sets out criteria and procedures for identifying land of importance for Londonās biodiversity for protection in LDFs and identifying areas of deficiency in access to nature. Protecting the sites at all levels, ser...