Tolworth Brook

Ever wondered where all the gunk thrown into  Tolworth Brook ends up? What stops the leaves and rubbish ending up in the sea? Well meet the council staff who work  on a constant rolling programme, raking out the debris and piling the 'muck' on their truck. 
They take the rough with the smooth and enjoy being followed by grey wagtails as they uncover their invertebrate food. Occasionally  they may act as saviours to tumbled-in wildlife, such as a family of fox cubs, which went to Wildlife Aid, Randalls Road, Leatherhead earlier in the year. 

The council are able to close the 'gates' along the various stretches to isolate any build-ups of garden rubbish. This makes identification of  regular deposits easy to identify so the perpetrators can be 'visited'.

This stretch of the brook is found at King Charles Road as it crosses into Alexandra Park, Berrylands and onto its confluence with the Hogsmill at Elmbridge Meadows. See the left hand page tab  or see here for the upstream stretches tolworth-brook


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