
Showing posts from March, 2014

The King and I

WOW a blue flash across the Filter Beds this afternoon turned out to be a kingfisher. It was making shallow dives into the water so may have been taking insects.   About 60% of food items are fish, but kingfishers also catch aquatic insects such as larvae or water beetles and in winter, crustaceans, including freshwater shrimps. Perhaps they also take amphibian larvae,  especially when the Thames is still in spate. The bird remained for twenty five minutes on the same branch before I had to deliver my car from evil and also watch a burglar being arrested along the Portsmouth Road. Kingfishers have been seen on the site only twice in the past. During the Inspectors site visit (2002) a kingfisher flew over the filter beds making an easily recognised high-pitched piping whistle. However, it is the time of year and length of stay, which makes this siting interesting as it could be a breeding record. It cannot breed in the drainage holes (where sand martins have...

Appeal Dismissed

Well, the right decision was issued today and this is what they said... Feb, 2014  see here for the  Surrey Comet  article The Inspector wrote: "The benefits that would be delivered by the proposal are considerable, however they must be weighed against the substantial harm to the metropolitan open land and character and appearance of the area. Whilst the proposal would not harm the setting of the listed buildings in the locality, I attach significant weight to the harm to the character and appearance of the surrounding area." Kingston Council leader Liz Green said: "I'm delighted that the council decision has been upheld. "We can now, working with the Friends of Seething Wells, work on the plan of what should happen to the site. Iā€™m really pleased the Planning Inspectorate has listened to the arguments put forth. I think thatā€™s absolutely the right decision." The full 24 page decision can be seen here  Inspectors decision See ...