Friends of Seething Wells Rule 6 Party at the Public Inquiry

In January this year, councillors unanimously rejected Hydro's scheme for the Filter Beds.

This coming Monday, the developer’s Appeal against this decision starts and will run all week. Those of you who wrote in to the Council, objecting to the scheme, will have received letters from the Council explaining what's going on.

Something this letter didn't point out is that The Friends of Seething Wells are a full party on this Appeal. We're very proud to be representing the strong community opposition and we've been putting in many hours preparing our evidence and our witnesses. Although we're confident and optimistic, it would also really demonstrate the strength of local support to the Appeal Inspector if as many local people as possible attended the Hearing.

The appeal is being heard at Surrey County Hall, Penryn Road, Kingston, KT1 2EA (it's opposite Kingston Uni on Penryn Road). It starts at 10.00am on Monday with the Inspectors’ opening announcements, running until 6.30pm every day (with half an hour for lunch at 1.15).

Below is the full timetable, but the highlights of the week include:

MONDAY: Opening remarks from everyone, starting at 10.00am (with the Friends on at 11am). Ed Davey’s evidence is from 11.30am.
TUESDAY: Local resident Brian Wilson gives evidence and is cross examined from 9.45 (the session starts at 9.30). Similarly local residents Tony Quinn and local ecology expert Alison Fure give evidence at 12.40 and 2.40pm, with local heritage expert Howard Benge at 4.15pm.
WEDNESDAY : Local river users, led by Ian Pratt and Emma Smyth give evidence about the river at 9.45am (again the session starts at 9.30). Local councillors are cross-examined at 11.30 that morning. Other local groups will be speaking from 12.15pm.
THURSDAY : The developer will be making its case, with cross examination from FoSW and the Council.
FRIDAY : The closing submissions from FOSW start at 3.00pm.

If you can only make it twice, come to the opening remarks on Monday and the closing remarks on Friday. If you can make it for other days, we will welcome your moral and actual support. But please do plan to attend if you can.

Over the next few days, we’ll be sending you through a few thoughts about the issues.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please just reply to this email and we’ll try to help you.

Thank you, and thank you in anticipation for your support.

Friends of Seething Wells


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