
Showing posts from January, 2013

Reasons for refusal

In the words of the Planning Committee:   The development proposed, in particular the residential dwellings on the pontoon and the restaurant, result in built development that would not preserve the openness of the Metropolitan Open Land and would have a detrimental impact on its visual amenity. The development is therefore inappropriate development on Metropolitan Open Land and the justification put forward as enabling development is not sufficient to represent ā€œvery special circumstancesā€. As such the proposal fails to comply with Policies CS3 (The Natural and Green Environment), and DM5 (Green Belt, Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) and Open Space Needs) of the LDF Core strategy (April 2012) and Policy 7.17 (Metropolitan Open Land) of the London Plan 2011. In the words of Peter Griffin, 'so that's that Mrs that's that'.

And the result is........................

Sweet dreams

Planning Committee sits tonight

RBK officers are recommending approval of the proposed development of the Filter Beds see  kingston council The meeting will start at 19.30. Be early to get a seat as Robin says: 'Today is not the day to be apathetic, today is not the day to leave it to others. Today is the day to do the right thing and come along to Kingston Councils development committee meeting and show your support for those brilliant people fighting to save our ecology, our heritage and a future for all on our riverside. 7.30 at The Guildhall, Kingston'

Dear Kingston Planning Department

After the Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee Meeting, I rang your office to ask why none of the comments from my 15 page letter had been included in the report to councillors. I was told that they were included in the late material, which I did not see and could not check ( I would like a copy please). I ask the same question of the report to the Development Control Committee produced for the meeting next Tuesday. I can see ONLY 9 ecology points  entered in the report. None of these include the points made in my last submission regarding: Comments pertaining to baseline data, who decided what and when the baseline should be: the current state of the filter beds and Daubenton's bat feeding ecology and that these animals cannot feed in a cluttered environment; the affect of the deterioration on the habitat and this years low numbers of roosting bats (from 30 animals to 3); the dispute over whether the maternity colony even formed this year and the noticeable change in bat behavi...