
Showing posts from July, 2012

Kingston University Batty Boat Trip 25.7.12

During the July Batty Boat Trip  twenty people watched Daubenton's bats emerging from their roost at the Filter Bed site. There doesn't seem to be so many bats this year and they are not in their usual hurry to emerge. Maybe the colony hasn't found the weather conditions so favourable or perhaps they have suffered due to the drainage of their foraging grounds. Studies carried out during the late 1990's and early 2000's found large numbers of Daubenton's bat spent a substantial amount of time foraging over the Filter Beds. For more on Daubenton's bat ecology see:  benton the bat Six species of bat were recorded  in all during the trip: common and soprano pipistrelle, Daubenton's and natterer's bat, noctule and Leisler's bat. 

Late Summer on the Filter Beds

swans with cygnet Filter Bed 2 As the vegetation matures, the colours are spectacular in sunshine. The swans eventually manage to bring on one cygnet. The coots and moorhen have faired better and the former are on their third broods. There is no competition for them this year (no little grebes) as the lowered water levels are unsuitable for this species.  Look out for good  numbers of flocking birds such as finches, starlings and sparrows along the Spanish broom and ash scrub.  As well as juvenile blackbirds and robins foraging along the wharf.  Filter Bed 7 watch out for kingfisher on dead wood Much of the water surface is covered with algae or emergent vegetation and reed beds are increasing in size due to last October's draining of the water. Purple loosestrife does make a stunning display surrounding many of the basins. Grey wagtails usually enjoy the muddy patches as the filter beds continue to dry out. Filter Bed 7 has...

July Flowers

Tufted vetch Vicia cracca Tufted vetch   can be seen from the Portsmouth Road as it begins to cling and climb over adjacent vegetation using the tendrils on the ends of it's leaves. This plant was not recorded in the 2011 botanical surveys of the FB's. It is recorded at our flagship grassland site in the borough,-Tolworth Court Farm TCF,  as well as Hogsmill O.S. and Dinton's Fields. Wall pepper/biting stonecrop Sedum acre This stonecrop grows along the walls and slope from the wharf down to the FB's, where there are large yellow stands of flowers.  It's frequency was described as 'rare' in the botanical surveys, 2011 but this year it is evident throughout, perhaps due to the influence of the weather.  Often used on green roofs. Whilst not rare, there are only 3 sites now remaining in the borough where this plant is recorded including the cemetery and Ravens Ait. Everlasting pea Lathyrus latifolius Broad leaved everlasting pea gives a colour...

The Friends of Seething Wells website launch

The Friends of Seething Wells have produced a newsletter with an overview of the current status of the planning application v. the value of the site along with the group aspirations:  see the new website A community-led vision for access, enjoyment, leisure and learning ā€“ now and for the future. or join the Facebook page