Habitats Regulations and Seething Wells
Natural England's main interest in the Hydro planning application is to ensure that the EUROPEAN AND UK LAW PERTAINING TO BATS enshrined within the Habitats Regulations are upheld. The issues pertaining to the aspirations within the Core Strategy, Biodiversity Strategy, Heritage etc. should be determined locally (at Planning committee meetings).
If a bat roost is to be affected by development activities, a licence from Natural England will need to be obtained.All species of bat are fully protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) through their inclusion in Schedule 5. All bats are also included in Schedule 2 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, & c.) Regulations,1994. The Act and Regulations make it illegal to:
- intentionally or deliberately kill, injure or capture (take) bats;
- deliberately disturb bats (whether in a roost or not); damage, destroy or obstruct access to bat roosts;
- possess or transport a bat or any other part of a bat, unless acquired legally; or
- sell, barter or exchange bats or parts of bats.
The important bit is here in the AMENDMENTS TO THE HABITATS REGULATIONS (2007). Enacted during 2008, there were moves to strengthen the protection of features of importance that protected species are reliant upon. This applies where there may be ANY disturbance to bats or a disturbance affecting:
- The ability of a group of animals of that species to survive, breed or rear or nurture their young;
- In the case of migratory species, impair their ability to hibernate or migrate (also new); or
- The local distribution or abundance of the species
This may preclude fragmentation of corridors caused by light pollution and a useful discussion of this is provided by Garland and Markham (2007).
The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution 2009, reported on the nuisance caused by badly designed lighting and the effects of artificial light on nature and ecosystems. It concluded that there was an urgent need for government to recognise that artificial light in the wrong place at the wrong time is a pollutant, which can harm the natural environment.unfortunately the commission was abolished by the new government.
Light Pollution keeps coming up doesn't it... hold onto that
The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution 2009, reported on the nuisance caused by badly designed lighting and the effects of artificial light on nature and ecosystems. It concluded that there was an urgent need for government to recognise that artificial light in the wrong place at the wrong time is a pollutant, which can harm the natural environment.unfortunately the commission was abolished by the new government.
Light Pollution keeps coming up doesn't it... hold onto that
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