Thames Ditton Marina: Regeneration proposals
A letter (9.2.12) has been sent to residents of Thames Ditton Ward, regarding proposals to 'regenerate' Thames Ditton Marina exploring the possibilities of new buildings, restaurant, offices and residential accommodation and a public consultation has been launched.
It is not possible to visit any part of the site except the Shop. For Health and Safety reasons the river frontage, the Portsmouth Road embankment, the Boat yard and shed cannot be visited and so the current historical/ecological value of the site cannot be assessed. A Phase 1 Habitat Survey of the site has been undertaken, but unfortunately is not in the public domain. It should be the findings from the survey, which guide any new proposals. Without this basic information it is difficult to assess what would be appropriate.
However this is an opportunity to undertake ecological improvement at this location (e.g a relaxed mowing regime of the grass bank, rationalisation of the lighting, biodiversity roofs). The extensive grass bank is likely to have a chalk influence (see the 1957 construction video on display) and with the correct management could be floristically diverse, which would be attractive to butterflies, reptiles etc. Proposals can be viewed at the marina:
It is not possible to visit any part of the site except the Shop. For Health and Safety reasons the river frontage, the Portsmouth Road embankment, the Boat yard and shed cannot be visited and so the current historical/ecological value of the site cannot be assessed. A Phase 1 Habitat Survey of the site has been undertaken, but unfortunately is not in the public domain. It should be the findings from the survey, which guide any new proposals. Without this basic information it is difficult to assess what would be appropriate.
However this is an opportunity to undertake ecological improvement at this location (e.g a relaxed mowing regime of the grass bank, rationalisation of the lighting, biodiversity roofs). The extensive grass bank is likely to have a chalk influence (see the 1957 construction video on display) and with the correct management could be floristically diverse, which would be attractive to butterflies, reptiles etc. Proposals can be viewed at the marina:
Lapwing on the Lambeth Filter Beds adjacent to the Marina 'Must make sure they hear my views'! |
25.2.12 4-8pm
26.2.12 10-2pm
'and ours' |
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