
Showing posts from 2012

Lazy Lapwings

Lapwings face into the wind        There were 38 lapwings loafing at the Filter Beds today, so their winter numbers are building up. If you cannot find them here, they will be foraging amongst the paddocks in Home Park. Many more come into roost at night, but its doubtful we'll see the numbers of five years ago, as this bird is becoming increasingly rare. Lapwing showing topknot I used to lay in bed and hear the birds calling through the night, as small numbers used to breed at the nearby sewage works and California Road Depot. Now these sites have been developed, Surbiton F.B.'s  is the last remaining area in the borough where there is any refuge for these winter flocks. How many birds can you see? The recent rain is beginning to make a difference to the water levels in the Filter Beds. It is a year since they were first drained although the basins still held water until October, 2011, when machinery was used to remove the substrates...

Councillor's Views, Surbiton Neighbourhood Meeting 12. 12 .12

Summary of Points by Councillors who were unanimous in finding that the 'Special Circumstances' to develop MOL had not been met  Cllr Shard  I do not find the necessary ā€˜special circumstancesā€™ required to build on Metropolitan Open Land  Could not see how the bats would find a dark corridor to their foraging area across the site  The report does not state that Natural England support the development or that they want it to happen  This is a development where Hydro want to showcase their technology and to mitigate the loss of MOL it has come up with the nature reserve  Cllr Heathcote  I have not heard anything that overrides the primary importance of MOL  We must retain as much open space in Surbiton as we can  Hydro has not acted as a true guardian of this site either of its historic significance or its ecology  How can they claim to be for the ecology when there is an overprovision of parking and...

Hydro and EDP Statements Surbiton Neighbourhood Meeting 12.12.12

Philip Wallis Director Hydro Properties Matthew Simpson of WWT has agreed to work with us if planning permission is granted. This has always been their position but they were lobbied hard and wavered but as Natural England have withdrawn their objection they are very excited about working with us as a demo of their new manifesto,  as to how man and the environment work together in harmony as a showcase project. The objectors would have you believe that Natural England is wrong, the boroughā€™s ecologist is wrong, Middlemarch is wrong The percentage of the nature reserve is as marked. The debate is just semantics. If you look at the plans all is fit for wildlife and anything different is misleading and improper Additional point answering to the 'bogus' letters of support which have been given to the council (only 25) Summary of Eco Points Dr R. Rowlands EDP Nature doesnā€™t respect boundaries and the site has been designed to accommodate wildlife throughout The Borough...

Today's letter to the Comet

Dear Surrey Comet, I was disappointed with the lacklustre Comet article regarding the Seething Wells Filter Beds, Public Meeting that was held last Thursday. It didnā€™t capture the buzz or the passion in the audience, nor expound some of the very exciting news that has arisen from more thorough surveys undertaken by the company employed by the developers (who surveyed a larger area, for a longer period, during 2012).  An entirely new bat species has been recorded for Kingston and one which is extremely rare nationally. This has been named as a Brandtā€™s bat by the surveyors, although technically it is very difficult to identify unless in the hand and more properly termed a bat of the Myotis genus, most likely a Brandtā€™s bat. This indicates that suitable foraging is found along this, the most darkest and most undisturbed stretch of the non-tidal river Thames in London. It raises the possibility of the species hibernating within the barge tunnel (along with two additional Myo...

Public Meeting 8.11.12

Ƙ    200 people attended the Public Meeting at St. Andrew's and St. Mark's Junior School Hall, 8.11.12. Unfortunately I arrived for the Q & A session and missed the preceding discussion. Several well considered questions are worth sharing.  An audience member enquired if the site could be worthy of Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) on account of the ten bat species recorded (see previous post). The features at Seething Wells are of borough (plants) or regional (bats) importance but not of National Importance.  A site can only be notified as a SSSI if it contains elements deemed to be of National Importance. A SSSI is usually notified on account of a recognisable plant community, forming a specialised suite of habitats and this would not usually be one based on artificial substrate. This was one of the reasons that Ham Lands were never considered suitable, in spite of its diverse range of plants including orchids. Most of the site was...

Seething Wells: the best site in the borough for bats with a new bat species for Kingston

10 species of bat are now recorded at the the Filter Beds site and the adjacent river side. This is more than any site in the borough, with 5 the greatest number for a Kingston site (with the exception of Canbury Gardens and riverside). A Myotis bat with the call characteristics of a Brandt's bat, was recorded along the river wall during the developers surveys. This is the first ever record of this species for the borough. The ten bat species now recorded at the site are as follows: Pipistrelle bats: all 3 of the following pipistrelle species were recorded during the surveys by EDP (acting for Hydro Properties): Pipistrelle bats are found wherever there is connecting local green space and there are  some large soprano pipistrelle roosts in Surbiton. Early registrations of this species are  associated with the northernmost  Filter Bed, and  includes occasional use of the small pumping station at Seething Wells, which the consultants do not  accept ...

No Sanctuary for Surbiton

The updated planning application for Seething Wells/Surbiton Filter Beds available to view and deadline for comments is 9 November, 2012 see here Kingston Planning Authority Join the Friends of Seething Wells on Thursday 8th November, for the first of in a series of public meetings and discussions about securing a fitting future for the filter beds. The headline speaker will be Edward Davey MP, long-time opponent to inappropriate development on the site, and there will be a chance to hear the arguments about the special nature of the filter beds and why the Friends of Seething Wells are campaigning to protect and conserve this valuable site. It will be held at St Andrewā€™s and St Markā€™s Junior School, on Maple Road, Surbiton, KT6 4AL ā€“ starting at 8.00pm (but refreshments available from 7.30pm). Public meeting:why-hydros-planning-application-should-be-refused-public-meeting-on-8th-november/441455909245356

"Too special" Surbiton's filter beds are a "blue lung for our riverside", says Surbiton MP, Edward Davey.

Statements issued to Surrey Comet, 10 October 2012  Surbiton's MP, Edward Davey, has this week confirmed he will be opposing the proposed development of the filter beds site by the Portsmouth Road in Surbiton. He has urged local people to back the campaign being organised by the Friends of Seething Wells, a community group with alternative ideas of how this enviromentally and historically special site can be conserved.  Edward Davey successfully campaigned against the previous five planning applications to develop this site but argues he considered the case afresh given Hydro's new scheme before concluding there were no special circumstances in the proposal to warrant past planning decisions and policy on the site to be disregarded. Commenting, he said:  "Surbiton's filter beds are simply too special to sacrifice to flats, car parking, a marina and restaurant. It is a "blue lung" for our riverside, with precious birds and bats and a unique and w...

September Surprises

what are you going to say about that then? If you walk past Seething Wells on a Tuesday evening, you might be surprised to see  tall masts appearing over the broom. These boats are from the Thames Sailing Club famous for two reasons: its the oldest river sailing club in Britain, having been formed in 1870; and also as the home of the amazing Thames A-Raters which date from the 19th century. As the clubs main fleet, the veteran Thames A-Raters are a remarkable sailing boat developed early last century specifically for river racing. Some are nearly a hundred years old, but the 27 ft long Raters, with their 45 ft masts and large sail areas are still the fastest boats on the river. 

Dear George

I hope you wonā€™t mind my replying to your letter of today regarding the Seething Wells Filter Beds via my blog. It gives the advantage that you can respond via the comments box should you wish. Having read with interest your recent correspondence to the press, including todays more measured letter, I would like to respond as one of those accused of ā€˜hysterical tiradeā€™ and as a fellow member of the Kingston Society. I was also one of those that spent a few of the many volunteer hours working at the London Wetland Centre when the original planting failed and the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV) had to put right. I know that we have corresponded previously about the ecology of the Filter Beds site, which is why I was disappointed that your letter did not give weight to any of this information. All of our local and regional organisations with an ecological remit, oppose the Hydro scheme on the grounds that it will damage its inherent features and contribute towards th...

Today's Surrey Comet


WWT and the 'Sanctuary' Tale

Early this morning 10,000 homes in the Surbiton area received a leaflet through their door, which stated that WWT Consulting had been enlisted by Hydro to support its application. In addition, The developers claimed in today's Surrey Comet, that WWT will be running the wildlife site at the Filter Beds, which is to be known as the Sanctuary. WWT were unaware of the Hydro leaflet or the Comet article and have issued the following statement. W WT would like to make it clear that it is not involved with any planning application for the Seething Wells filter beds in Surbiton.  WWT does work with developers, through its consulting arm WWT Consulting, to provide solutions in the design and construction of future wetland landscapes, solutions which enhance wetland habitats for wildlife and people.  As such, it has spoken with Hydro Properties Ltd, the developers behind the Seething Wells planning application, about possible involvement in a range of future projects....

Wiggins Way

Bradley Wiggins passes the Filter Beds on his way to gold in the Time Trial (photo Brian Wilson).

Kingston University Batty Boat Trip 25.7.12

During the July Batty Boat Trip  twenty people watched Daubenton's bats emerging from their roost at the Filter Bed site. There doesn't seem to be so many bats this year and they are not in their usual hurry to emerge. Maybe the colony hasn't found the weather conditions so favourable or perhaps they have suffered due to the drainage of their foraging grounds. Studies carried out during the late 1990's and early 2000's found large numbers of Daubenton's bat spent a substantial amount of time foraging over the Filter Beds. For more on Daubenton's bat ecology see:  benton the bat Six species of bat were recorded  in all during the trip: common and soprano pipistrelle, Daubenton's and natterer's bat, noctule and Leisler's bat. 

Late Summer on the Filter Beds

swans with cygnet Filter Bed 2 As the vegetation matures, the colours are spectacular in sunshine. The swans eventually manage to bring on one cygnet. The coots and moorhen have faired better and the former are on their third broods. There is no competition for them this year (no little grebes) as the lowered water levels are unsuitable for this species.  Look out for good  numbers of flocking birds such as finches, starlings and sparrows along the Spanish broom and ash scrub.  As well as juvenile blackbirds and robins foraging along the wharf.  Filter Bed 7 watch out for kingfisher on dead wood Much of the water surface is covered with algae or emergent vegetation and reed beds are increasing in size due to last October's draining of the water. Purple loosestrife does make a stunning display surrounding many of the basins. Grey wagtails usually enjoy the muddy patches as the filter beds continue to dry out. Filter Bed 7 has...

July Flowers

Tufted vetch Vicia cracca Tufted vetch   can be seen from the Portsmouth Road as it begins to cling and climb over adjacent vegetation using the tendrils on the ends of it's leaves. This plant was not recorded in the 2011 botanical surveys of the FB's. It is recorded at our flagship grassland site in the borough,-Tolworth Court Farm TCF,  as well as Hogsmill O.S. and Dinton's Fields. Wall pepper/biting stonecrop Sedum acre This stonecrop grows along the walls and slope from the wharf down to the FB's, where there are large yellow stands of flowers.  It's frequency was described as 'rare' in the botanical surveys, 2011 but this year it is evident throughout, perhaps due to the influence of the weather.  Often used on green roofs. Whilst not rare, there are only 3 sites now remaining in the borough where this plant is recorded including the cemetery and Ravens Ait. Everlasting pea Lathyrus latifolius Broad leaved everlasting pea gives a colour...

The Friends of Seething Wells website launch

The Friends of Seething Wells have produced a newsletter with an overview of the current status of the planning application v. the value of the site along with the group aspirations:  see the new website A community-led vision for access, enjoyment, leisure and learning ā€“ now and for the future. or join the Facebook page

Daubenton's Bat Maternity Colony

Batty Boat Trip 2012 Over the past 8 years, the London Bat Group Batty Boat Trip has provided time series data, of the bat activity along stretches of the river at Hampton Wick, Kingston, Surbiton and Thames Ditton (see Bat Pages for a species list, right hand tabs). It is one of the annual monitoring visits studying the bats at the Seething Wells Filter Beds. This year there has been concern at the change in activity at the site. We failed to see any Daubenton's bats during their emergence period. A subsequent visit in perfect weather conditions ( 8/8 cloud cover, 16 degrees, no wind,17.6.12) noted that animal numbers and the pattern of activity has changed significantly. Animal numbers are reduced and the bats had no urgency to emerge as per adults with young to feed. The light sampling behaviour normally observed, was not apparent to the same degree as in previous years. When bats have young, the adults need to forage close-by, as they must return to feed their pups...

Plants of Seething Wells

Field scabious 3 scabious species are known to grow on the filter beds. Field scabious was a common perennial of (usually calcareous) waysides, meadows and downland. It is widely distributed over the whole of the F.B's and can be seen from the south western part of the wharf, to the boundary fence at Hart's Boatyard. It is the only site in the borough where this plant is found and this group is rare in London. Common or black knapweed or hardheads  Common knapweed is found at several sites in the borough such as Tolworth Court Farm, Chessington, New Malden along with a small patch at Kingston Cemetery (where its spread has been encouraged by a relaxed mowing regime). It is a plant prevalent in neighbouring Richmond, which has preserved its unimproved grassland sites. L-R lesser typha, birdsfoot trefoil and hop trefoil This month the F.B's exploded into colour and the mass of yellow is a mixture of bird's-foot trefoil and hop trefoil. These are...

Seething Wells: Current Water Levels

Sign on slipway Yesterday Thames Water lifted the hosepipe ban after unprecedented rainfall in our region. Despite the notice on the fence, it doesn't appear to have rained at Seething Wells since last October, when the Filter Beds were pumped out (the second  time in a year) to  'inspect  the structures'. Despite the rain, water levels have not increased an inch. Excavation at the foot of the dip slope These inspections, led to large piles of substrate being piled at the foot of each slope (many now vegetated)  and have served to keep the F.B.'s permanently drained, preventing the breeding of any little grebes this year. This will surely invalidate the 2012 bat surveys as the habitat will be sub-optimal and not support foraging Daubenton's bats who need uncluttered open water over which to trawl for insect prey.

Seething Wells: Spanish Broom

Spanish broom 3.6.12 The Spanish broom Spartium junceum is a common Mediterranean shrub widely planted on roadside banks and naturalised in the south of England. This bank of broom was planted by Thames Water over 50 years ago and since then has provided this stunning show every June. Last week the tops were starting to flower and this week it is in full, brilliant glory.  In its native Spain it is uses as a source of fibre for making paper and cloth. In France it is the constituent of an essential oil known as Genet Absolute where it has been grown in the south France (and Spain) since the 16 th Century as a perfume ingredient. The Plantagenets named themselves after this plant ( planta genet ). The leaves are of little importance to the plant, with much of the photosynthesis occurring in the green shoots (a water-conserving strategy in a dry climate). The leaves fall away in late spring and summer shoots are covered in profuse fragrant yellow flowers 1 to 2 ce...

Flowering now: Hoary Cress

Hoary cress around the pumping station The white flowered umbels of this pepperwort at the entrance to the wharf at Seething Wells are that of hoary cress,  Lepidium draba  (aka Cardaria draba ) and also known as Thanet cress, which is a deep-rooted, perennial mustard. This plant is becoming increasingly common on waste ground, roadsides and field borders in England and Wales. It arrived in this country from Europe at Thanet in Kent and was first recorded after the Napoleonic Wars. Sick soldiers were bought to Ramsgate on mattresses stuffed with hay, later given to a Thanet Farmer, who ploughed them into his fields as manure. The cress appeared in great quantity spreading over the south coast and via wharf sites. It is prevalent in East London wherever ā€˜sailors shook out their mattressesā€™. Plants are a frequent link to our trading past and this is a fine example. In our borough the plant is recorded at Elmbridge Meadows, Holy Cross School, Hogsmill Sewage Works and alon...

Ants of Seething Wells

My neighbour is a myrmecologist and has noted a specific lack of myrmex in these pages, which this post seeks to address. Myrmecology is the scientific study of ants, a branch of entomology. Some early myrmecologists considered ant society as an ideal and sought to find solutions to human problems by studying them. Their diversity and prominence in ecosystems has also made them important components in the study of biodiversity and conservation. Compared with much of the rest of Europe, Great Britain has a smaller number of ants. The size and diversity of ant species in any area is largely determined by the highest summer soil temperature, and this being so, it is not surprising that the greatest concentration of different species is centred in the warmer parts of the country ā€“ Dorset, Hampshire, Surrey, the Isle of Wight and Kent being the 5 richest counties, with 33, 31, 29, 27 and 26 different species present respectively. Four species are recorded at Seething Wells includi...

Seething Wells Water Levels and Water Quality

Seething Wells 2009 It is understood that newly appointed consultants will resume their surveys next month. The water levels and water quality are very different from when the Filter Beds were sold (2009). The draining of the FB's (Jan, Oct, 2011) changed the site (from left) to the swan photograph below. The  pair of swans breeding at Filter Bed 7 are able to stand in the water, demonstrating the current  low water levels. Draining led to the growth of vegetation, including reeds and other plants, which have died back over the winter. As these plants have become submerged through rainfall, the increased nutrient levels in the water have led to the algal growth, which now forms dense mats over the water surface. Filter Bed 7 May 2012 Until the water levels and  quality returns to status quo, surveys will not capture any bats foraging over the Filter Beds. Daubentonā€™s bats are capable of gaffing or trawling insects directly from the w...

Seething Wells Facebook Page

Filter Bed 7 May 2012 Seething Wells now has its own Facebook page  FriendsofSeethingWells The Group is for us to discuss plans and share ideas. It's an open group, so all can see discussion, with prospective members able to request to join  The Friends of Seething Wells are working towards a future where everyone can enjoy the benefits of access to the disused Victorian waterworks alongside the Thames in Surbiton. Seething Wells is a natural, historical and archeological asset - not just for the local communities of Surbiton and Kingston, but also for the nation.

Seething Wells and The London Plan: Thames Policy Area

This is what the Mayors London plan says about the Thames Policy Area:  Development proposals within the Thames Policy Area identified in LDFs should be consistent with the published Thames Strategy for the particular stretch of river concerned.  The policies are currently:  Policy 3.5. Conserve and enhance the nature conservation interest of the River and its corridor with particular attention to Seething Wells and Hampton Court Park.  Policy 3.6. Conserve the feeling of open space created by the Water Works, particularly between the Portsmouth Road and the River.  Policy 3. 7. Retain a clear separation between the Dittons and Surbiton at present provided by the Water Works site by only allowing lowrise development incorporating open spaces as appropriate south of the Portsmouth Road  and keeping land north of Portsmouth Road (the area now under consideration) free of built development. It is therefore surprising that Hydro ...