Hogsmill Community Garden Open Day May 1st

August, 2013
April, 2016
East of Villiers Road, just beyond King Athelstan School, on a rectangular plot of waste ground (128’ x 47’) is the Hogsmill community garden. Led by two directors from Kingston Environment Centre, work  to clear  brambles started in the winter of 2013. 
 A poly tunnel, outdoor toilet and water pump have since been installed. Plans exist to install a pond; fill the raised beds with vegetables and bee friendly plants. Volunteers are always welcome

There will be an Open Day on the Sunday 1st May 2016 from 11 am – 4pm.

Hand pump with swan along the river
Kingfisher Guildhall yesterday
The Hogsmill lies to the south of the site and the river corridor is designated a Site of Nature Conservation Importance. In Kingston it is constrained within vertical walls as it passes beneath road bridges and between the buildings of the Guildhall complex on its way to the Thames. Despite this, there are places where gravelly margins remain with lush plant growth. It acts as a green corridor for wildlife and is important for both birds and bats especially at certain times of the year, such as during the bird breeding season or migration; autumn fruiting and during  midge swarms.


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