
Showing posts from March, 2018

Tolworth Area Plan, Culture, Heritage and the Apple Store.

The Tolworth Area Plan was on Wednesday's Agenda of the  council Growth Committee, although it didn't grow very far - being deferred at first base - despite the presence of several interested parties wishing to make representations. Bristows haulage yard, former mill site    Who is the TAP for and whose future is it meant to guide, given that it would be a material consideration in determining future planning applications? If development is inevitable, can it be made more relevant to the local community, providing an environment, more meaningful to Tolworth, rather than serving outside interests. Recent  sequestering of  natural heritage and cultural assets for the use of offshore companies and hotels does not engender reassurance. Why for example, are we building multi-storey car parks when in other boroughs  they are being demolished in an effort to meet housing targets and tackle air pollution. From the viewpoint of someone who responded to the c...

Tolworth Treasure: Walk 3 Gentle Stroll to the Moated Manor

  Many participants on our afternoon stroll, had been on a morning litter pick, around the snowy, service roads on the Sunray Estate; they had a jolly good turn out despite the obvious weather - related- inclemencies. After meeting at the Court Farm Garden Centre Cafe (aka as CFGCC) we took the Old Kingston Road, overlooking  snow covered fields; and saw the kestrel, twice. I imagine however that the kestrel saw a lot more of us. There was a brief discussion on Mercy - we couldn't remember how to avoid straying snowballs, but fortunately our young assailant had a familial enemy in his sights. According to Wikipedia, 'Mercy' is a regular game and is more popular when played in the snow. Players must use the basic mercy stance: twisting fingers, pushing to the ground - whilst of course - avoiding snowballs. The person who says 'Mercy!' or gets floored loses the game. We used to say 'Uncle' but no doubt you will have your own version and the safe wo...