Appeal has been lodged
The Planning Appeal has been lodged against the decision by Kingston Council to refuse permission to develop the Filter Beds.
Surbiton Filter Beds – Grounds of Appeal
1. Introduction
1.1 This appeal is made against the decision of the Royal Borough of Kingston-upon-Thames
(LBKT) to refuse planning application ref: 11/16502/FUL, which was submitted on behalf of
Hydro Properties Limited for:“Redevelopment of the filter beds to provide a publicly accessible nature reserve, riverside walk, open space, a 239 square metre heritage and education centre, a flood storage cell, and river taxi drop-off point, all to be enabled through the provision of a 92 berth leisure
marina and lock gate, 7 residential launch vessel moorings, 64 residential homes set on a
floating pontoon, and 300 square metres of restaurant and ancillary space with associated landscaping and parking.”
1.2 For the avoidance of doubt, the relevant development plan for this application comprised the
London Plan (2011), and the LBKT Core Strategy (April 2012). Material considerations included national planning policy and local supplementary planning guidance.
1.3 The applicant undertook significant consultation both prior to the submission of the application
and during its consideration. Statutory consultees either raised no objections to the proposals
or removed any holding objections prior to determination by RBKT. At the time of determination there were no objections from the following:
- The Greater London Authority;
- The Environment Agency;
- English Heritage;
- The London Borough of Richmond;
- LBKT Environmental Health Officer;
- LBKT Trees and Landscape Officer;
- LBKT Housing Officer;
- LBKT Sustainable Travel Officer;
- LBKT Neighbourhood Traffic Engineer;
- LBKT’s independently appointed viability consultant; and
- LBKT’s independently appointed ecology consultant.2
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