Hydro and EDP Statements Surbiton Neighbourhood Meeting 12.12.12

Philip Wallis Director Hydro Properties

Matthew Simpson of WWT has agreed to work with us if planning permission is granted. This has always been their position but they were lobbied hard and wavered but as Natural England have withdrawn their objection they are very excited about working with us as a demo of their new manifesto,  as to how man and the environment work together in harmony as a showcase project.

The objectors would have you believe that Natural England is wrong, the borough’s ecologist is wrong, Middlemarch is wrong
The percentage of the nature reserve is as marked. The debate is just semantics. If you look at the plans all is fit for wildlife and anything different is misleading and improper

Additional point answering to the 'bogus' letters of support which have been given to the council (only 25)

Summary of Eco Points Dr R. Rowlands EDP

Nature doesn’t respect boundaries and the site has been designed to accommodate wildlife throughout

The Borough hasn’t raised any principle objection to the development of this site even though it is designated a Site of Borough Importance

Of the London Wildlife Objection Dr. Rowlands stated that, ‘we have worked tirelessly over the last twelve months so that the borough could be confident that there would be no impacts on protected species.

Bat issues are complex and a number of consultants have been involved. The Natural England officer involved with this case has a several years of experience with bat issues.

Part of my work is with appeals and a key area of contention is the objection of Natural England and people should respect this

Natural England do not consider the wider site issues, it is beyond their remit, only concentrating on the protected species issues.

It is unfair and disingenuous to state that we haven’t considered the wider issues of ecology. We have had three reviews from BSG, the council’s independent consultants.

We believe that the baseline is the current state of the Filter Beds.

London Bat Group is a Partner of Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) BCT state that Daubenton’s bat is a common species and widespread species.


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