Brassed off!

Last week, Channel 4 showed the 1980's classic film  'Brassed Off', about a colliery band, featuring the late, great Pete Postlewaite quoting from Eric Morcambe, 'all the right notes but in the wrong places'.

Scenes of  the rise and fall of his baton in front of their pit banner (interjected with effusive boardroom executives) were reminiscent of the banners at the Seething Wells Procession, which this year for the first time, included the Guild of Sardine Fisheries. 

If the Filter Beds are developed for up-market housing, car and boat parking, I wonder if the new residents will join us in future  processions and what their banner might be. 

Perhaps an Ark to represent that arketypal floating home and metaphor for lost industrial arkaeology?


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