Seething Wells and The London Plan: Thames Policy Area

This is what the Mayors London plan says about the Thames Policy Area: 

Development proposals within the Thames Policy Area identified in LDFs should be consistent with the published Thames Strategy for the particular stretch of river concerned. 

The policies are currently: 

Policy 3.5. Conserve and enhance the nature conservation interest of the River and its corridor with particular attention to Seething Wells and Hampton Court Park. 

Policy 3.6. Conserve the feeling of open space created by the Water Works, particularly between the Portsmouth Road and the River. 

Policy 3. 7. Retain a clear separation between the Dittons and Surbiton at present provided by the Water Works site by only allowing lowrise development incorporating open spaces as appropriate south of the Portsmouth Road  and keeping land north of Portsmouth Road (the area now under consideration) free of built development.

It is therefore surprising that Hydro (the site owners) are being given a platform to  expound their development plans at the Kingston Society meeting Wednesday (16.5.12). The meeting is at Judge Lecture Theatre, Tiffins Boys School, Kingston starting at 7.30


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