Project Genesis Chessington World of Adventures 23/01659/FUL (to be continued)
If you want to comment on this destructive development, you probably can't because the consultation has ended. I wonder who was on the list of consultees; certainly not those who showed an interest in the Amazon land application (or we would have been notified). Plans include:
Development of a waterpark including demolition works, alterations, extensions and change of use to part of the existing Hotel building, construction of associated structures, landscaping, drainage, access and other incidental works, including provision of a new access road, SuDS pond and altered plant enclosure to serve the approved lodges scheme (Ref: 18/10413/FUL).
With mega numbers of trees to be felled in this app. there will be a lot more back of house views like these......
The habitat loss will be offset to a compensation area of woodland in the south with a woodland management plan (cut and paste from last time).
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